Monday 29 April 2013

The Writing Up Bubble.

I have read a couple of blog posts lately that have started with, "I haven't blogged much lately" I think that we are all in that stage where we are glued to laptops and books and are just trying to get things done and that leave us little time for checking back in with how things are going. I know that how it has been for me, I have been reading blogs but not finding time to write anything myself!

I am currently re-drafting my critical review and putting things together for my Artefact. I feel that my review is coming along, however I am constantly nervous that it inst enough, that I have missed the point somewhere along the line and that there is more I could be doing to make things better, with that comes the fear that with re-drafting I am actually taking out things that were valuable and making things worse, it is a terrifying process!! even with feedback from my advisor I still feel like there must be more I should be doing to improve my work. I wonder if it is the mentality of being a dancer/ performer that leads me to feel this way, as a dancer you are never perfect, there is always more to do, more to work on, ways to get better, I find it hard to let go of this and say actually... this is the best I've got! Anyone else feeling the pressure??

1 comment:

  1. Yup, I totally agree! Perfection can never be attained and research is never over...unless you are dead.
    I spoke with Katy (also on BAPP at the mo), who is also just writing up and feeling exactly the same way. However she is a graphics designer, so I think the dancer point is not really valid. I made some friends with students here in the library that I am frequenting to write in piece and quiet...they are just writing their MA in linguistics and are also feeling the bubble....I feel a permanent sense of tension in my body and have decked out my flat with little yellow post-its....ideas that keep popping to my brain.
    I´m loving this stage, but am just as glad to see the end is in sight.

    "You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star"

    Take care and keep up your good work!!
    .fi ((O;
