Wednesday, 7 November 2012

4C -Some revised Ideas for Questioning.

I have had a crisis of confidence around my idea of researching the benefits Dance within the area of learning disabilities and feel that although it is an area that I find fascinating I am wondering if I should look to find a topic that is more related to the area I would like to move into as career progression. I have developed a further set of questions.

I have had conversations within the BAPP community about their interests in the further reaching benefit of their profession and skills. This has included, benefits of teaching for special needs, inclusive theatre for disabilities and underprivileged and the benefits of creative therapies and how some feel that more knowledge would benefit them in getting more from and for students. I have also had some feedback on my questions regarding the transition from teaching of ballet and "for fun" dance classes into mainstream education and the skills that would be needed, the two which interested me most within this were, behaviour management and the ability to tailor classes to get the best from unwilling or shy individuals.

I feel that there might be some scope to combine all of these areas of interest that I have found within myself and my BAPP colleagues. In developing these questions I have also had conversations with other dance professionals within my employment and those I work with within learning disabilities.

My new set of questions are as follows.

1) How do teachers feel about the inclusion and integration of learning disabled student within mainstream dance education?

2) Do mainstream dance teachers feel that they have the skills and training to be able to deal with learning and behavioural difficulties within the classroom, especially as creative classes can have a more relaxed teaching environment?

3) Do teachers feel that this benefits all students? Does it create more inclusion, and do all students get a fair opportunity to learn to their full potential?

4) If mainstream performing arts teachers are asked to teach children with physical disabilities are they able to adapt lesson plans to be inclusive easily? Are they forced to cater to masses or the few or is it possible to have a truly integrated approach?

5) Is it possible to include therapeutic benefits of creative therapies in the classroom to benefit learning and behavioural difficulties? Is there any evidence to show that creative lessons improve behaviour in these children?

6) How do you create lesson plans that cater to all children, learning/ behaviour/ social difficulties and those with low confidence/ self esteem? Can this be done in such a way to improve these behaviours?

Any thoughts on this new set of questions would be really appreciated?


  1. Hi Danni,

    I really like your questions as i am too a teacher especially question 5 as thats something ive not necessarily thought about before in my own practice.


  2. Hi Nina,

    I'm glad that you find the questions interesting, I am struggling to find a really clear focus for enquiry so feedback is really appreciated.

    As a teacher do you think you and your colleagues would be willing to apply different approaches if it was possible to apply therapy techniques to the classroom if it aided learning/ behavioural difficulties? I am wondering if perhaps teachers already have enough to think about?

    How are your ideas for inquiry coming?
