Monday, 19 November 2012

Teaching children with learning difficulties.

On completing classes this week I was discussing with a colleague the students that we have in our classes and the ones that are making good progress and the ones that we feel need the extra support. When discussing one particular person I was saying that I often find that I am correcting, but i seems as though they are not taking on board what I am saying. I spend quite a lot of time with this student and I think they need it, but I was concerned that perhaps the attention would be putting them of. This was when my colleague said to me that this particular person has autism, it is mild and they attend mainstream school but that is perhaps why they don't respond quickly to correction.

I had three main reactions to this, firstly I was pleased about the fact that a child with additional learning needs has the confidence, the passion and the support to attend a technical ballet class. Just goes to show that learning difficulties are becoming less of a barrier within society and that is is not always necessary to have specific classes or groups for specific learners.
But it did display to me that dance teaching doesn't always know how to deal with this kind of situation, to me because I have some background in learning difficulties I would have made sure that all teaching staff were aware that this child does have some additional needs, not in order to treat the child obviously differently but just so that there is an understanding that the learning process might be slightly different.
It highlighted that there is a potentially a gap in the dance teachers education. The more people with learning disabilities and additional needs are encouraged to engage with the community as a whole and to take part in activities, the more that we as dance teachers will encounter this. The way it was dealt with by my employer displayed to me that there is a lack of understanding. When I attend class next week I wont bombard this student with corrections, I now understand that information takes longer to process and therefore will concentrate on one particular correction each week. If I hadn't worked within learning disability I don't think I would have understood this, I wonder how many dance teachers would feel they would be able to provide an appropriate approach?

The final positive for me was that I went on to discuss with my colleague how this student had come to join the school. The parents believe that attending these classes were developing coordination, spacial awareness, confidence and enjoyment. Even to the point where the mother had been into the class to learn a step in order to help her child as the repetition outside of class was needed to help the learning process. If parents of those with learning difficulties are that passionate about it because of the benefits for their child then I'm hoping that this is a good sign that my enquire topic is a valid one.


  1. You have done amazingly well to deal with your professional practice in accommodating the learning challenges of this particular student. This post demonstrates a great deal of reflective practice - is this going to be translated into an inquiry topic?

  2. Hi Danni,

    An extremely insightful post here. I've taught a range of students with learning difficulties and it is something i also want to explore for my inquiry.

    It's great that you have a past with working in learning difficulties but as you say, what if you hadn't been made aware of this child's austim? Running my own business i make sure that the parent of every student that signs up to my classes informs me of any learning difficulties. Being made aware of this from their first class, i am able to adapt on the spot and make sure they are comfortable with the learning.

    I'm hoping to explore the topic of weather dance helps children with social, emotional or learning difficulties.

  3. Hi Rosemary, I think this is the direction my enquiry is going to go in. I think that perhaps there isnt enough emphasis on learning different styles of teaching for different learners, I dont think there is a "one size fits all" technique to teaching whether a child has learning difficulties, confidence issues or whatever, I think that as teachers we have an obligation to get the best from everyone and should have enough knowledge to do so. I also beleivbe that the benefits of dance are far reaching and this is something that should also be encouraged by good teaching techniques.

    Luke, I agree that the the topic of dance and its benefits for children with social, emotional and learning difficulties is a great one, and something I am also very interested in. I think that all teachers should bare this in mind when teaching as what we do in the studio can have a great impact on our students. I think my enquiry is heading in the direction of what we can achieve as teachers to enhance this experience for our students whatever their circumstances.
